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Greenville, SC


The Dwelling Place (renamed from Three Streams Mission) is an Evangelical, Spirit-filled, Anglican Church located in Greer, SC. In order to maintain a biblical spiritual covering and affiliation, we are an outreach parish of the Anglican Church of Tanzania - Diocese of Biharamulo.


Are Anglicans Roman Catholic?

Anglicans are Protestant with Reformed Theology, believing in justification by grace through faith and Sola Scriptura. We are "catholic" in the sense of being part of the universal church - the Body of Christ. However, we are not Roman Catholic in that we do not accept the authority of the Church of Rome (and its bishop - the Pope)  over all other churches. We do share with Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox a common heritage of Holy Scripture, the Nicene Creed, the early church councils, and liturgical traditions.  We embrace faithful Roman Catholics as brothers and sisters in Christ.

What is the Position of Three Streams Mission Regarding Marriage and Morality? 

Three principles; 1. Scripture, tradition and biology all testify that God designed humans as male and female, and the in uniting of the two sexes in marriage the image of God is displayed. 2. God has called us to holiness, in the dignity and honor afforded by living in accordance with His design. 3. God truly loves every one of us He has created, and it is not His purpose that anyone should be held in bondage to any type of destructive behavior. Jesus Christ came to set us free from every stronghold of darkness.

What Kind of  Local Church Government will Three Streams Mission Have?

The Old and New Testaments, as well as early church history, set forth the vital role of elders in the local church. Paul and the other apostles put elders in place when they planted churches, and early church history testifies that a team of elders leading a church was normative. The qualifications of an elder (or presbyter) is given in the pastoral epistles (Timothy and Titus). Interestingly, the Anglicized word "priest" is derived from the word presbyter, and in Anglican thought a priest is a elder and pastor. No one man has all the gifting and anointing to lead a church by himself. God designed the plan for a team of elders so as to use the gifts and anointings of all the team, whether it be preaching, teaching, pastoring, or administration. We intend that Three Streams Mission should be led by a team of elders. In practicality there usually needs to be a team leader (set man - lead presbyter) to whom the congregation looks for stability and vision. It is appropriate that the lead presbyter should be an ordained Anglican priest (presbyter). Other elders would not necessarily be ordained, other than being called and anointed by the Holy Spirit, and meeting the qualifications in 1 Timothy. In addition, a vestry (church council) of lay people provides financial, legal and logistical leadership so that elders can focus on ministry and prayer.