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Greenville, SC


The Dwelling Place (renamed from Three Streams Mission) is an Evangelical, Spirit-filled, Anglican Church located in Greer, SC. In order to maintain a biblical spiritual covering and affiliation, we are an outreach parish of the Anglican Church of Tanzania - Diocese of Biharamulo.

Who We Are



TSM is a fellowship led by a team of elders - and with two co-pastors who are ordained Anglican presbyters/priests in the Diocese of Biharamulo in the Anglican Province of Tanzania. Through pastors TSM is connected to the historical, ancient branch of the Christian faith called Anglicanism - providing both accountability and protection within biblical orthodoxy.

TSM is an evangelical community, fully committed to the truth of the Word of God

TSM is a charismatic community, welcoming the anointing, moving, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit


Why Be Connected to Anglicanism?

The Christian Faith has ancient roots. The church community Jesus planted has been passed from generation to generation down to us.  Anglicanism is a Christian tradition which honors and guards this ancient heritage that connects us to the early Church. Fully Protestant - fully biblical. In these days there are within Anglicanism both faithful, biblical branches as well as spiritually dead branches which have departed from biblical truth. We rejoice to be part of orthodox, biblical Anglicanism through our association with the Anglican Union and the Anglican Church of Tanzania.

Why Be Evangelical?

Western civilization is in decay, and we are surrounded by apathy, despair, and moral confusion.  For such a time as this there is a foundation of truth upon which we may stand - Jesus Christ and the unchanging truth revealed in Holy Scripture. It is our passion to proclaim Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life - the only Savior and the Lord of All.  Knowing Him is to have real life. Knowing Him births purpose, hope, and a moral compass. Holy Scripture provides a solid foundation upon which to build our lives and form our way of thinking.

Why be Charismatic?

The church ought to be characterized by the fruit of the Holy Spirit - overflowing love, great joy, deep peace, lives transformed to become truly good and holy.  The church must be the place where the Kingdom of God breaks into our world in power and glory, as signs and wonders witness to the truth of the good news of salvation. For this the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church. He has throughout time generously equipped believers with spiritual gifts and anointing to expand the Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit is always fresh and always renewing the Church. Our desire is to be on the cutting edge of what the Holy Spirit is doing - leaving behind human traditions not originating from and quickened by the Spirit's power - yet never going outside the bounds of biblical truth.